About us

What do a Financial Times employee, someone from the Northern Mariana Islands and the organizer of a safe sex seminar have in common? All of them ordered custom-made, 3D printed cookie cutters from a Hungarian girl.

The beginnings

Kriszti Bozzai, a graduate design student wanted to bake doggy treats for Tipli, her dachshund’s birthday in 2014. She looked and looked for bone shaped cookie cutters, but she didn’t find what she wanted. Then an idea hit her: what if I could make any kind of cookie cutter I wanted? Would people dig that?

She started to look for investors, bought her first 3D printer, quickly learned the trade, opened an Etsy account and two months later Copypastry was born.

How does it work?

The process is simple: all you need to do is send a photograph for your desired cookie-cutter shape and select a colour for the product. Once the team receives the order we start to work on the unique 3D design of the cutter and as soon as we finish, it is printed and shipped.

You make it your own

Photographs come from all over the world and the requests are quite colourful, to say the least. Orders have been shipped to a wide variety of destinations from inland - Hungarian - addresses to the Financial Times offices. The customer service of Fedex had heard about Copypastry sooner than they did about the destination of an order: Northern Mariana Islands.

The most popular requests are photos of family members and pets, but a university student once ordered a batch of genitalia shaped cutters for a safe-sex seminar she organized. The Copypastry team has made Little Mermaid and Karate kid shaped cutters, but also faces of famous people, like Barry Manilow and Charles Bronson. Recently the entire NSYNC team has been ordered for Christmas.

Company logos are also often requested, as well as different coats of arms. The mayor of Cserépfalu, a small Hungarian town once ordered cookie cutters based on the coat of arms of the village for local kindergarten students.

Cutters of female faces are usually requested in pink, while male faces in blue. People tend to ask for a little Photoshop when it comes to the roundness of their faces, and once a cookie cutter was made from the face of a person who was not even born yet (the mother sent an ultrasound photo).

Team Copypastry

Since the beginning the Copypastry team has increased in size with communication manager extraordinaire Fanni Pataricza and project manager ‘total commander’ János Benjámin Vértes. Two dedicated soldiers who are not only professionals in their respective fields, but you can count on their expertise in wrapping up last minute Fedex shipments too.

We have just finished this webshop and we are really happy about it. We are also quite thrilled with our collaboration with Craftunique, a 3D printer manufacturer that agreed to back us with printers and other devices for production.